In Blog

As we approach the end of February: the month to celebrate love, passion, caring and kindness, we honour all things related to ‘our heart’. That etherial set of emotions that our brains are hardwired to seek. A state that makes us feel connected, safe and that ‘we have each others back’.  

During these past eleven months, it has been hard to continue to love it all, in our lives and embrace the future with unbridled passion.  If we just focus on our careers, job and industry alone, the uncertainty and loss has been unsettling.

Do What You Love?

For many, It has made us question our futures and to consider the unthinkable even just months ago: working outside of the industry.  The pandemic has made us ponder: What am I good at? What do I love to do? 

Forever I will be grateful that our corporation will not need to do ‘a pivot’ however adjusting to the ‘new normal’ without our support team has been…well you know because you too have had to make micro and macro adjustments. 

Loving what we do, is who we are in this industry. We certainly didn’t come into hospitality for the ‘quick riches’.  The best word that describes our drive and passion for what we do is MERAKI.  It is a Greek word that means ‘to put a piece of your soul into your work; a labour of love’.  

Over the coming months, we may find ourselves labouring for reality and not romance. That being said, those who work with MERAKI always put a piece of their heart into everything they do.  Wishing you a wonderful month of celebrating all things, from the heart.  

Timely yours,

PS.  For those feeling lonely working from home, here is a Spotify playlist that a Swedish collaboration put together with ambient OFFICE SOUNDS!   

PPS.  Thank you to my local nail spa for introducing me to the word MERAKI.  Sending our love and support to all the small businesses struggling right now to survive.  

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